Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saturday – 18 January 2014
1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1
Psalm 21:2-7
Mark 2:13-17
1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1
Samuel Anoints Saul
9 There was a Benjamite, a man of
standing, whose name was Kish son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of
Bekorath, the son of Aphiah of Benjamin. 2 Kish had a son named
Saul, as handsome a young man as could be found anywhere in Israel, and he was
a head taller than anyone else.
3 Now the donkeys belonging to Saul’s father
Kish were lost, and Kish said to his son Saul, “Take one of the servants with
you and go and look for the donkeys.” 4 So
he passed through the hill country of Ephraim and through the area around
Shalisha, but they did not find them. They went on into the district of
Shaalim, but the donkeys were not there. Then he passed through the territory
of Benjamin, but they did not find them.
17 When Samuel caught sight of Saul, the Lord said to him, “This is the man I spoke to you about; he will govern
my people.”
18 Saul approached Samuel in the gateway
and asked, “Would you please tell me where the seer’s house is?”
19 “I am the seer,” Samuel replied. “Go up
ahead of me to the high place, for today you are to eat with me, and in the
morning I will send you on your way and will tell you all that is in your
heart. 20 As for the donkeys you lost
three days ago, do not worry about them; they have been found. And to whom is
all the desire of Israel turned, if not to you and your whole family line?”
10 Then Samuel took a flask of
olive oil and poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying, “Has not the Lord anointed you ruler over his
Psalm 21:2-7
2 You have
granted him his heart’s desire
and have not withheld the request of his lips.
3 You came to greet him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—
length of days, for ever and ever.
5 Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.
6 Surely you have granted him unending blessings
and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
7 For the king trusts in the Lord;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.
and have not withheld the request of his lips.
3 You came to greet him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—
length of days, for ever and ever.
5 Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.
6 Surely you have granted him unending blessings
and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
7 For the king trusts in the Lord;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.
Mark 2:13-17
Jesus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners
13 Once again Jesus went out beside the
lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus
sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.
15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s
house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples,
for there were many who followed him. 16 When
the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and
tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors
and sinners?”
17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not
come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Can you expect to go to heaven for nothing? Did not our Savior track the
whole way to it with His tears and blood? And yet you start at every little
-- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
International Version (NIV)
Photos acquired thru Google search